This Year!

God grant me the serenity…

The countdown to a new year is probably the one thing that happens universally and the Eve probably the only day in the year that almost the whole world is awake past mid night. It is awaited with trepidation and bated breath. The countdown goes 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2…. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Then the cheers, toasts and texts come flooding in like a rush down a waterfall. It’s probably time to kick the festivities into high gear.

…to accept the things I cannot change…

Slowly and surely, the excitement dies down in the wake of the New Year as fewer greetings come your way and the New Year begins its ageing process. All over the world, New year’s is a time for recollecting gains made in the just ended year, and for most people, setting new years’ resolutions. As you may already now know, through experience, most resolutions hardly get to end of February, if they survived January at all. In fact by mid-year, life has moved on quite a lot, the hustle and bustle of everyday life has caught up and many commitments for the New Year have since been forgotten, if not shelved.

The concept of a new year is not to do new things but coming to terms with what our past has etched in stone. It is all about rowing with the punches as they come and dealing with consequences. There is no use brooding over spilt milk and neither is wishful thinking, the clock is already ticking so get a move on! If life gave you lemons, make the best out of it by making some lemonade.

…courage to change the things I can…

There are however a few things we have the capacity to influence in the wake of a new year. I will use only one phrase for it, pursuit of happiness. In the New Year, the best thing to do is get an attitude adjustment and an upgrade from the previous year.

How can you enhance your pursuit of happiness or start on your path? Simple, be true to yourself. Bite off what you can chew to maximum benefit. Are you happy with your job? If yes, what can make you happier and in turn make this year for you pleasant at work? Do exactly that but not at the detriment of others. If you are unhappy, what makes you unhappy? Are you the problem or is it the place of work. It takes courage to fault things that do not work for you and even more courage to admit to self that we are the ones at fault.

Review all the spheres you influence and align them to your pursuit of happiness and come end of this year, you will feel fulfilled. The first stride is always the hardest and every step you take is the longest stride. Start and you will be guaranteed substantial gains.

…and wisdom to know the difference…

There is such a thing as barking up the wrong tree, get your priorities straight. Enough said!


I wish you a very fruitful month and ultimately year. God Bless You!

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